
2223 liters of liquor being brought to be consumed in Holi was caught, driver arrested

# English liquor was being brought to Mohania city hidden among the parts of the bicycle. During the vehicle checking campaign on Friday morning at the integrated check post of the local police station area, the police have recovered a huge quantity of English liquor from a truck which was being brought to be consumed in Holi. The driver of the truck has also been arrested. Liquor was being brought to Bihar on the truck by hiding it among the bicycle parts. The arrested driver is said to be Gurpreet Singh, son of Jasveer Singh, resident of Sisabdo village of Parso police station in Patiala district of Punjab. DSP Dilip Kumar gave information regarding this matter in a press conference at Mohania police station. DSP said that on Friday morning, the patrol team officials of Mohania police station and ALTF in-charge along with their respective teams were searching the vehicles coming from UP at the integrated check post. In this sequence, a DCM truck came from UP side, which was stopped for investigation, when the driver tried to run away. He was chased and caught by the police. When the truck was searched, a huge quantity of liquor hidden among the parts of the bicycle was recovered, which was confiscated and the truck driver was arrested and brought to the police station. When the seized liquor was counted, a total of 2223 liters of liquor was found. He told that the driver is still being interrogated. # The truck driver was carrying liquor from Haryana. A huge quantity of liquor which was being brought to be consumed during Holi festival was seized by Mohania police at the check post on Friday. Liquor was being brought from Haryana to Bihar by hiding it among the bicycle parts loaded in the truck. During the press conference, the DSP said that the billy found from the truck was from Hazaribagh in Jharkhand, whereas the billy also appears to be fake, which is a photo copy. Regarding where the liquor was to be taken, the driver told that after crossing the check post, he is told where the liquor is to be taken. The police is still interrogating the driver. # GPS was installed in the truck. When the police thoroughly investigated the case of huge quantity of liquor in a truck caught early Friday morning at the integrated check post of Mohania police station area, it was found that a GPS system was installed under the truck. Smugglers were finding out complete information about where the truck had reached through the GPS system. It is known that the arrested driver is the owner of the truck, who told that we did not know that liquor was loaded on it, we were coming loaded with bicycle parts. The police are investigating the matter thoroughly. # What does DSP say In this regard, DSP Dilip Kumar said that during the liquor checking at the check post regarding Holi festival, 2223 liters of English liquor loaded on a truck was seized. A large quantity of English liquor was being brought hidden among the bicycle parts. The driver, who is also the owner of the truck, has been arrested. Further action is being taken after inquiry.

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