
2028 body worn cameras will be purchased in Bihar, funds released by Transport Department

Patna. The Transport Department has released Rs 70 lakh 77 thousand seven hundred 20 to purchase 2028 body worn cameras to tighten the checking of vehicles under the road safety campaign. According to official sources of the Transport Department, body worn cameras will be purchased in the next one to two months and will be given to the traffic police across the state, so that the actions of the police personnel during vehicle checking can be seen online through the cameras even at the headquarters level. Can go. At present these machines have been given to some traffic police in Patna.

Traffic police will be equipped with body warm cameras

Traffic police in Bihar will be equipped with body warm cameras, so that people do not feel that no one is watching them while issuing traffic challans. Having a camera will provide convenience to both the driver and the police. People will not be able to say that the police was demanding bribe in the name of releasing the vehicle. The body warm camera will be connected to the traffic control room, where the camera will be monitored online. Actually, it has been started from Patna and till now more than 33 body warm cameras have been purchased by the police headquarters. The Transport Department has also decided to purchase it after review.

Cameras will be given to the traffic police deployed in the districts

According to the Transport Department, cameras will be given to the traffic police deployed in the districts by the police headquarters. After which the police personnel are caught taking fine from the drivers. After the cameras are placed on the shoulders of the police, it will be easier to collect fines and there will be less complaints of allegations being leveled against each other. In recent days, the police headquarters has received a complaint about the altercation between the police and the vehicle owner during the traffic check, in which it was seen that while issuing the challan, the vehicle owner accuses the police that the fine is taken forcibly. These complaints will be curbed.

The purchase has already been made twice.

Rs 3743.38 lakh has been made available to the Police Headquarters for the purchase of various types of road safety equipment from the financial year 2018-19 to 2021-22. Against this, eight hand held search lights and 33 body warm cameras, 57 breath analyzers, four laser speed meters, 17 interceptor vehicles, 15 cranes, 43 speed guns and 109 portable amplifiers have been purchased by the police headquarters. At the same time, again in 2022-23, only Rs 508.62 lakh was made available to the police headquarters for the purchase of 23 interceptor vehicles. Also, instructions were given to purchase cameras in the districts as soon as possible as per the need. Now the Transport Department has released funds for this.

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