
1,36,000 liters of water was used to extinguish the fire in Tesla’s electric car! After all, how safe are these vehicles?

Why is it difficult to extinguish the fire of electric vehicles?

Water is used to extinguish the fire of vehicles running on petrol or diesel, but it is not so easy to extinguish the fire of electric vehicles. In fact, when lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles catch fire, a special type of reaction occurs, which is called “thermal runaway”. In this, due to fire in one battery cell, the surrounding battery cells also get heated and they also catch fire. Even after extinguishing the fire, the battery can become so hot that it catches fire again after a few minutes or hours.

Therefore, using water to extinguish the fire of electric vehicles is not effective. For this, special types of chemicals are used, which prevent thermal runaway by reducing the temperature of the battery.

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