
1000 NRIs told what is their demand for Lok Sabha elections?

Tripti, Editor – E-Journal Times Magazine

The process of Lok Sabha elections has started. A few days ago, when the countdown was about to begin, a general survey was attempted by the online magazine e-Journal Times among a group of 1000 NRI members, in which they were asked, “According to you, India’s international “Which aspect of relations should be the top priority for the incoming government after the elections?”

Lok Sabha elections: Who presented their views?

This question was not asked to know the inclination of people towards any particular political person, but to try to know the thoughts and feelings of those Indians who are not currently in India due to job, studies, business or other reasons. . These are the people who know the color of India and recognize its potential along with the hidden shortcomings, and they are also spending time in America which has the image of an economically and technologically strong country in the world. .

Experience the flavors of two contrasting cultural countries

He has the experience of two culturally opposite, but democratic countries. Understanding this, it was necessary to put such a question in front of them, which appeals for an impartial answer and directly advocates the issues related to India’s reputation and progress on the international stage.

They were given 5 options to answer this question. Those options were-

  • Strengthening relations with neighboring countries
  • Expanding global alliances and partnerships
  • Promoting economic diplomacy and trade relations
  • Active participation in international organizations and
  • Enhance national security and defense cooperation
Lok Sabha Election 2024
lok sabha election 2024

Demand to pay attention to this issue from the future Indian government

In the international perspective, these are all such important issues, which demand attention from the future Indian government. In this survey, options were presented covering diplomatic, economic and security-related objectives. Of these options, two clear frontrunners emerged, and they were: “Promoting economic diplomacy and trade relations”, and “Enhancing national security and defense cooperation.”

Demand to promote economic development

The overwhelming support for both these options underlines the paramount importance of the election issue in the eyes of the Indian diaspora. At a time when global economic uncertainties and geopolitical tensions are rampant, NRIs are signaling a strong mandate for the incoming Indian government to prioritize initiatives that promote economic growth and ensure national security.

Multifaceted development model can be found outside the country as well

Promoting economic diplomacy and trade relations resonates deeply with his sentiments. These people recognize the important role of India’s economic prosperity in its global status. There can be no turning away from the fact that by strengthening trade relations and promoting economic partnerships, a multifaceted development model can be found not only within the country but also outside the country. This is not only for the issue of employment generation, but also for making India internally strong.

It is very important for India to be strong on the world stage

People believe that it is very important for India to be powerful on the world stage, behind which many important reasons are hidden and advocate global political, cultural and economic stability.
NRIs living in the US are increasingly looking at the “America’s trade and development model”, and are also deeply invested in India’s economic success, so in this survey they are advocating for policies that encourage trade and investment. Facilitate flow, promote entrepreneurship and fully utilize India’s economic potential. In fact, “flow of economic activities” is also a medium to global power status, which is extremely important for India and all Indians.

The role of government in the economy is different in India and USA.

People believe that the role of government in the economy is very different between India and the United States. The United States generally has a more market-oriented approach with limited government intervention, while India’s economy has historically been characterized by a more prominent role for the government in economic planning, regulation, and public sector enterprises. The US is a highly industrialized and technologically advanced economy, home to many multinational corporations, leading research institutions, and cutting-edge innovation centers. India is undergoing rapid industrialization and technological progress, but it still faces challenges in infrastructure, skill development and access to technology. In addition, America’s economy is diverse and advanced, with an emphasis on services, manufacturing, technology and innovation. India’s economy, on the other hand, is characterized by a mix of agriculture, manufacturing and services, with a significant informal sector and a large rural population.

Are they happy with the efforts of the current government or not?

However, there are mixed reactions from people regarding whether they are happy with the efforts of the current government or not. There are many points in which there is an atmosphere of agreement and disagreement but still they are also accepting that the Indian government is continuously making efforts in this direction but the pace of efforts should be faster.
If seen, India is actively engaged in many major trade agreements to increase its economic relations at the global level. India has adopted a proactive approach to trade by actively engaging in regional and bilateral negotiations. The country wants to diversify its export markets and ensure access to raw materials and capital goods needed for domestic manufacturing.

Trade relations between India and USA promising

If you look at the recently published report of “International Trade Organization” then the trade relationship between India and the United States is promising. The trade volume in goods and services between the two countries will exceed $191 billion in 2022. Despite facing challenges such as inflationary pressures and supply chain disruptions, India’s economy remains one of the fastest growing economies. The Government of India’s FDI initiatives focus on a number of sectors including information technology services, software, professional services, pharmaceuticals and industrial equipment. As the largest single source of FDI into India, the United States is playing a key role in this bilateral partnership.

India an attractive destination for many US exporters

However, US enterprises face market access challenges in India due to market access barriers such as tariffs, localization requirements, indigenous standard mandates, labeling practices, price controls, and import restrictions, especially in government procurement. Despite these challenges, India remains an attractive destination for many US exporters, especially in sectors such as information technology, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, textiles and engineering. To succeed in this dynamic market, US companies operating in India must maintain long-term planning horizons and the flexibility to adapt strategies according to regional conditions.

It has been said in this report that there is no dearth of opportunities for businesses operating in India and America but there are no less challenges. According to another report, India’s regulatory environment is a significant challenge for foreign investors due to its bureaucracy, inconsistent policy implementation, legal challenges and disputes, infrastructure constraints, labor laws and regulations, and compliance and reporting requirements.

Removing complexities for foreign investors, and creating a business environment through an easy and transparent process is an important strategy that is tantamount to breaking the maze in the geopolitical environment. Another problem that is there in the technical trade agreement is that of data and other technical security, for which the immigrant population is looking for a very efficient political face in the new government. The way turmoil is going on at the international level, in such a situation, for the success of business, India needs a government which understands the diplomacy of global economic culture, and does not let the opportunities go missing.

We all are seeing how a country with a strong economy takes more advantage in international forums and negotiations. Similarly, India’s economic success can enhance its cultural influence, diplomatic standing and global prestige, and ultimately showcase its soft power on the world stage. Economic strength enhances a country’s soft power, or ability to influence others through attraction and persuasion rather than coercion.

Additionally, the second most important option chosen was – “Call for increased national security and defense cooperation” which reflects the concerns of NRIs about safeguarding India’s interests in an increasingly unstable world. With security threats emerging from multiple fronts including terrorism, border disputes and cyber warfare, NRIs are mindful of the imperative to enhance India’s defense capabilities and build strategic partnerships with like-minded countries. By prioritizing national security, the incoming government can build confidence among its NRIs and reassure them about India’s commitment to protect its citizens and territorial integrity. However, it has to be reiterated here that the efforts of the Government of India to provide assistance to its Non-Resident Indian (NRI) community are commendable. From embassy and consular services to legal aid and grievance redressal, the government has taken several steps to address the concerns of Indians living abroad.

But the importance of this survey goes beyond the priorities of Indians living abroad; This reflects India’s emerging role in the global arena. As the world’s largest democracy and emerging economic power, India holds an important place in international politics. The choice made by Indian voters in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections will not only shape the country’s domestic trajectory, but will also reverberate on the global stage.
In the backdrop of geopolitical realignment and changing alliances, India’s strategic decisions will have far-reaching implications for regional stability and global governance. A government that embraces the choices valued by NRIs can chart a course that is in line with India’s aspirations to emerge as a responsible global leader.

Whether Indians are at home or abroad, they want to send a clear message to policymakers that the time has come for bold, decisive action to move India forward on the path to progress and prosperity. By harnessing the potential of economic diplomacy and strengthening national security, India can confidently navigate the complexities of international politics and claim its rightful place on the world stage. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The future depends on what you do today.”

Indians are also strongly accepting the fact that the outlook and outcome of the elections will also depend on how the country’s media is showing correct reporting related to development to the public.
Therefore, before the elections, every issue, big or small, should come before the public and should be properly researched, not in the form of noise, not in the form of propaganda! (The author is originally from Patna. Currently lives in Ohio, USA. These are her personal views)

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